8th annual māmowi āsohtētān 
Internal Truth and Reconciliation Forum

(maah-ma-wih aah-soh-day-daan)

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement and facilitated by the Mistatimōk Committee, this annual event is a response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action and provides an opportunity to gather and to constructively and respectfully dialogue and plan for the university environment we need and want.

Save the Date

May 29th, 2025
9AM - 12:30PM
Quance theatre located in the Education Building

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution proclaiming the period of 2022-2032 the International Decade of Indigenous Languages. In recognition, the Office of the Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement at the University of Saskatchewan will be hosting a series of language events focused on the seven language groups in Saskatchewan to bring awareness and focus to the work being done to revitalize and reclaim language and the work that has yet to come.

We look forward to having you kick off our language event moving into the fall and winter of 2025-2026.

Completed Forums 2016 - 2024

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement and facilitated by the Mistatimōk Committee, this annual event is a response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action and provides an opportunity to gather and to constructively and respectfully dialogue and plan for the university environment we need and want.

7th annual māmowi āsohtētān Internal Truth and Reconciliation Forum

Join us Tuesday May 14, 2024 from 12:00 to 2:30 PM at the Quance Theatre in the Education Building for a constructed conversation about the book:  Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, A White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation by Andrew Stobo Sniderman and Douglas Sanderson. 

(maah-ma-wih aah-soh-day-daan)

May 14, 2024: Event Website

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement and facilitated by the Mistatimōk Committee, this annual event is a response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action and provides an opportunity to gather and to constructively and respectfully dialogue and plan for the university environment we need and want.

6th annual māmowi āsohtētān Internal Truth and Reconciliation Forum

(maah-ma-wih aah-soh-day-daan)

April 28, 2023: Event Website

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement and facilitated by the Mistatimōk Committee, this annual event is a response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action and provides an opportunity to gather and to constructively and respectfully dialogue and plan for the university environment we need and want.

5th annual māmowi āsohtētān Internal Truth and Reconciliation Forum

(maah-ma-wih aah-soh-day-daan)

May 11, 2022

4th Annual māmowi āsohtetan Internal Truth and Reconciliation Forum

(maah-ma-wih aah-soh-day-daan)

Friday, March 26, 2021

Theories, Principles and Practices of Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression


Morning Sessions

9:30 – 10 am
  • Opening Prayer: Elder Peter Nippi and Elder Nora Cummings
  • Land Acknowledgement and Treaty 6 Honour Song: Bob Badger
  • Métis National Anthem: Amanda Goller and Kiefer Paul
  • Opening Remarks: Dr Peter Stoicheff (PhD), President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Overview of Indigenous Practices: Dr Jacqueline Ottmann (PhD), Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
10 – 10:45 am
Keynote Address: Journey Towards Understanding Racism and Anti-Racism

Dr Verna St. Denis (PhD), Professor, College of Education and Special Advisor to the President on Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression

10:45 – 11 am
Wellness Break
11 am – noon
Conversation Circles

All forum participants are invited to join the interactive conversation session. Once you have joined this session, please select a breakout room that matches your level of knowledge and experience with the themes of today's forum.

noon – 1 pm
Lunch Break

Join the livestream at 12:45 pm for special lunch hour programming including performances and an important announcement from USask and the USSU.

Afternoon Sessions

1 – 2 pm
Panel Discussion on Anti-Racism Education
  • Becky Sasakamoose Kuffner, Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Coordinator, City of Saskatoon
  • Dr Carmen Gillies (PhD), Faculty Member, Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP) and Adjunct Professor, College of Education
  • Russell McAuley, Intercultural Education Coordinator, Saskatchewan Intercultural Association
  • Dean Newton, Superintendent of Education, Saskatoon Public Schools
  • (Moderator) Dr Verna St. Denis (PhD), Professor, College of Education and Special Advisor to the President on Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression
2 – 3 pm
Conversation Circles

All event participants are invited to join this interactive conversation session. Once in this session, you will be invited to join a breakout room with a diverse group of your campus community members.

3 – 3:15 pm
Wellness Break
3:15 – 4 pm
Witness Reflections
  • Eugene Arcand, Elder and Survivor
  • Dr. Angela Jaime (PhD), Vice-Dean Indigenous, College of Arts and Science
  • Lindsay Knight, PhD Student, Department of Indigenous Studies
  • Dr. Keith Willoughby (PhD), Dean, Edwards School of Business

4 – 4:30 pm
  • Closing Remarks: Dr. Airini (PhD), Provost and Vice-President Academic
  • Thank You: Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann (PhD), Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Closing Prayer: Elder Peter Nippi and Elder Nora Cummings
  • Celebration Song: Donald Speidel

Artist: Brian Kachur

Beginning in 2017, the University started an annual reconciliation themed internal forum, aimed at bringing together faculty, staff, and students to listen, learn, and engage with local and national initiatives to help inform Indigenization and reconciliation among our campus community. This year’s third annual internal truth and reconciliation forum took place on Friday, February 28, 2020, from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, with over 250 participants in attendance at Marquis Hall.

There were four keynote speakers this year: Lieutenant Governor Russell Mirasty, former National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Phil Fontaine, human rights lawyer Kathleen Mahoney, and Cree Professor Willie Ermine. Each keynote introduced one of the four themes of the forum: educational policy and racism, Indigenous wellness, reconciliACTION, and ethical space. After each keynote speech, dedicated time was given for roundtable conversations to unpack and strategize ways to share personal experiences in the university and contribute to individual and collective healing and learning.

Videos of the keynote speakers and photos from the forum are available below. Additional details on the forum, including a full description of the events throughout the day as well as recommendations from the conversation circles, are available in the forum report.




māmowi āsohtētān “Let’s Cross This Together”

In a continued commitment to supporting Indigenization and reconciliation on campus and beyond, the University of Saskatchewan brought together students, staff, faculty and Indigenous leaders to take part in its second annual Building Reconciliation Internal Forum.

The Sept. 18 event, which gathered more than 200 people, was intended as an ideation opportunity where future and current thought-leaders shared their stories, and experiences.

The Building Reconciliation Internal Forum was launched by the U of S in 2017 as a response to the 94 calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. In its second iteration, the goal was to take that initial dialogue a step further by inviting attendees to take a larger role in the conversation through smaller interactive, group-focused discussions.

For the majority of the day, attendees divided into four groups. Each group will form conversation circles, which had a distinct theme and a thought leader to guide the discussion. 

  • Circle one—Indigenous student experience
  • Circle two—Ally relationships: Building and sustaining ‘right relations’
  • Circle three—Indigenous perspectives on research
  • Circle four—Meeting reconciliation through anti-racist, anti-oppression education

Speakers at the opening ceremonies included U of S President and Vice-Chancellor Peter Stoicheff, Vice-provost Indigenous Engagement Jacqueline Ottmann, Chief Tammy Cook-Searson of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, and U of S Indigenous Studies Faculty Member Randy Morin.

Speakers at the closing ceremonies included three witesses who participated in the circle discussions. To end the ceremony, Director of Indian Teacher Education Program Chris Scribe introduced dancers and drummers/singers who performed two songs, and then ended the day with a round dance. 


Note: the videos above will require Adobe Flash to view.

Faculty, staff and student leaders gathered for a full-day event on March 7 that focused on how the U of S can respond to the 94 calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. By showcasing some of the current work taking place at the university, attendees learned high-impact practices in how to incorporate the principles of reconciliation in teaching and learning, research, enhancing the student experience and university governance and administration.





2016 - 2017 Poster Session:

As part of the forum, there was a poster session to showcase the programs, initiatives and research projects happening at the U of S that help to build reconciliation.