deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin Task Force and Advisory Circle

The deybwewin(Saulteaux) | taapwaywin (Michif) | tapwewin (Cree) Task Force and Advisory Circle developed a ground-breaking policy from which procedures and an implementation plan for Indigenous membership/citizenship verification with documentation at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) will be created. The policy was approved July 8, 2022 by the USask Board of Governors. A deybwewin (Saulteaux) | taapwaywin (Michif) | tapwewin (Cree): Indigenous Truth standing committee will lead and guide the USask community through the creation of the procedures and an implementation plan that will direct an appropriate, informed, respectful, and Indigenous-led process of Indigenous membership/citizenship verification at USask

The name given to this task force, deybwewin (Saulteaux) | taapwaywin (Michif) | tapwewin (Cree) translates to “truth”.

The task force was chaired by Dr. Angela Jaime, Vice Provost, Indigenous Engagement; and the standing committee will also be chaired by Dr. Jaime. For information please contact: .

Task Force Members

  • Chair: Angela Jaime, Vice Provost, Indigenous Engagement
  • Elder Harvey Thunderchild
  • Elder Joseph Naytowhow
  • Elder Josie Searson
  • Elder Louise Halfe
  • Elder Louise Pederson
  • Elder Norman Fleury
  • Bob Badger, Cultural Coordinator, Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Dale Worme, Delegate for the Office of the Treaty Commissioner
  • Tribal Chief Mark Arcand, Delegate for the Saskatoon Tribal Council
  • Rhonda Bluehorn, Delegate for the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations
  • Doloris Netmaker, Delegate for the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations
  • Robin McLeod, Delegate for the Prince Albert Grand Council
  • Winona Wheeler, Associate Professor, Indigenous Studies, College of Arts and Science
  • Karla Williamson, Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations, College of Education
  • Kurtis Boyer, Faculty Lecturer, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
  • Mary Longman, Associate Professor, Art and Art History, College of Arts and Science
  • Graeme Joseph, Team Lead, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Success, Aboriginal Student Centre
  • Sheila Pocha, Program Head, SUNTEP/GDI Saskatoon
  • Val Arnault-Pelletier, Senior Lead, Indigenous Programming and Initiatives, College of Medicine
  • Yvette Arcand, Director, Indian Teacher Education Program
  • Adam McInnes, Graduate Student Representative
  • Aubrey-Anne Laliberte-Pewapisconias, Undergraduate Student Representative
  • Candice Pete-Cardoso, Director, Indigenous Land Management Institute
  • Amaranta (Amy) Sokól Como, Project Manager, Indigenous Initiatives, Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Matt Dunn, Director, Indigenous Engagement, Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Candace Wasacase-Lafferty, Senior Director, Provost’s Indigenous Initiatives and Community Relations, Office of the Provost and Vice President Academic

Advisory Circle Members

  • Ana Crespo-Martin, Director, Faculty Relations
  • Chelsea Willness, University Secretary and Chief Governance Officer
  • Cheryl Carver, Associate Vice-President, People and Resources
  • Dara Hrytzak, Chief of Staff, President's Office
  • Dawn Wallin, Associate Vice-President Research (Engagement)
  • Debby Burshtyn, Dean, Graduate & Post-Doctoral Studies
  • Emily Snyder, Vice-Dean Indigenous, College of Arts & Science
  • Erin Walling, Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association
  • Geraldine Balzer, University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association
  • Jacquie Thomarat, Director, Academic Governance
  • Jay Wilson, Interim Vice-Provost, Teaching, Learning and Student Experience
  • Jen Thoma, Director, Provost Communications
  • Kelly McInnes, Director, Talent Management & Strategic Enablement, Human Resources
  • Ken Wilson, Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations
  • Liz Duret, Senior Inclusion & Diversity Consultant, Human Resources
  • Rayelle Johnston, Access and Privacy Officer, Legal
  • Sara Daniels, Associate Vice-President, Government Relations
  • Shari Baraniuk, Associate Vice-President and CIO, Information and Communications Technology
  • Tasnim Jaisee, President, University of Saskatchewan Students' Union
  • Vincent Bruni-Brossio, Interim Associate Provost, Strategic Priorities

Mistatimōk Committee

The Mistatimōk Committee will lead and guide the USask community through navigating, acknowledging, and/or commemorating existing and future discoveries at former Residential Schools, and other related occurrences for which our community seeks support and guidance. The Committee will also lead the direction of meaningful and authentic commemorations and/or events pertaining to decolonization and reconciliation, such as those listed below. The Mistatimōk Committee will be led by the Office of the Vice Provost Indigenous Engagement and chaired by the Vice Provost Indigenous Engagement.

The name given to the committee is Mistatimōk, which translates to "horses" and the concept of "working together" in Saulteaux.

Events planned by the Mistatimōk Committee:

Terms of Reference

  • Airini, Provost and Vice-President Academic
  • Amaranta (Amy) Sokół Como, Project Manager, Indigenous Initiatives, Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Angela Jaime,  Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement, Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Bob Badger, Cultural Coordinator, Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Candace Wasacase-Lafferty, Senior Director, Provost’s Indigenous Initiatives and Community Relations, Office of the Provost and Vice President Academic
  • Candice Pete-Cardoso, Director, Indigenous Engagement, Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Carson Magnuson, Project Manager, Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement
  • Chad London, Dean, College of Kinesiology
  • Cindy Burnoff, Executive Assistant, Vice-Dean Indigenous
  • Donna van de Velde, Program Assistant, University Library
  • Candy Fiddler, Administrative Coordinator, Office of the Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagment
  • jake moore, Director, University Art Galleries and Collections
  • Jay Wilson, Professor, Curriculum Studies, College of Education
  • Joel Lanovaz, Interim Dean, College of Kinesiology
  • Kelly McInnes, Director, Talent Management & Strategic Enablement, Human Resources
  • Keith Willoughby, Dean,  Edwards School of Business
  • Kurtis Boyer, Faculty Lecturer, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
  • Lori Auchstaetter, Director of Administration, Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic
  • Marcy Hildebrand, Executive Officer, University Relations
  • Nicole Orr, Executive Assistant, Huskie Athletics
  • Patti McDougall, Deputy Provost
  • Peta Bonham-Smith, Dean, College of Arts & Science
  • Priscella Settee, Interim Vice-Dean Indigenous, College of Arts and Science
  • Heather Poirier, RA, Vice Dean Indigenous, Arts & Science
  • Rachel Fiddler, Community and Cultural Resourse Lead, Gordon Oakes Redbear Student Centre
  • Renee Fossenier, University Relations
  • Stephanier Frost, Coordinator Online Support, Gwenna Moss Centre
  • Timothy Beke, Director, Total Rewards
  • Troy Linsley, Director, Facilities
  • Wade Epp, Associate Vice-President, Services
  • Yvette Arcand, Director, Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP)