Indigenous Symbols

The marketing and communications team, in collaboration with Indigenous leaders, Elders and other campus stakeholders, has developed a suite of symbols representing Indigenous cultures from here in Treaty Six and across Saskatchewan. These symbols are integral to the visual identity of the University of Saskatchewan and help us promote and communicate Indigenous initiatives and partnerships. Use of the symbols should align with the following: Read More
University of Saskatchewan Indigenous/Aboriginal Symbols

Language and the Future

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OTC website


Elder Louis Halfe

Smudging and Cermonies Policy

The University of Saskatchewan is committed to safeguarding the cultures and integrity of Indigenous peoples, Indigenous values, and practices, and to transformative decolonization leading to reconciliation. To honour, protect and support Indigenous peoples, this policy safeguards Indigenous spaces, Indigenous voices, and Indigenous ceremony/ practices by establishing the University of Saskatchewan campuses, inclusive of student residences, smudge and ceremony safe spaces.

The policy conveys the university’s commitment to:

  • supporting Indigenous traditions, practices, and ceremonies
  • improve recruitment, retention, and engagement of Indigenous students, staff, and faculty.
  • enhance the reputation of the University by actively protecting space for Indigenous ceremony.
  • contribute to the university’s commitment of decolonization and Indigenization.

Smudging and Ceremonies Policy